Why not WayBackMachine?

tkrn's archive is different because crawls include all crawlable binary links. Generally, speaking other crawls may contain the html contents but not binary files (ie. exe, zip) that is linked from the orginal page. tkrn's archive emphesis is to capture binary related web material that is linked.

Archive Criteria

We're a focused web crawler built that is meant to preserve aging information which is very literally disspearing at an alarming rate. We're focused on the primary areas:


We target to preserve self hosted code repositories regardless of subversioning technologies.


We look to preserve aged documentation, code examples, diagrams, schematics and anything electronic related.


We look to preserve HAM and RF related technologies. This includes but not limited to HAM, broadcast technologies, satellite and Bluetooth.

Game Systems

We look to preserve game consoles, tv consoles, handhelds, and standalone cabinets.


We look to preserve personal computer history from the early days of Heath kits all the way through the early 2010s. In addition, we preserve server based technologies in the same time period.

FTP Mirrors

We look to preserve FTP sites that have gone dormant and run the risk of being pulled down that matches one of the other criteria.

How to contribute?

This passion of ours has been fueled out of our heart and desire with the means that we have accessible to us at this point in time. If you feel similar to us and want to support our mission please find a way that you can contribue.

Call to Action

This passion of ours has been fueled out of our heart and desire with the means that we have accessible to us at this point in time. If you feel connected to our mission and want to support our mission please find a way that you can contribue. We can't do this alone. We need your help. Thank you.

Future Plans

We are in the process of transitioning from OpenWayback to pywb for the replaying and presentation of tkrn's archive repository. It is our plan and hope once we find a permament home that we'll be able to open the archive for public use.